Politics Now

Founded in the understanding that politics as the vehicle for enthroning leadership in Nigeria

We seized power to avert imminent threat against Niger, Nigeria – Coupists 


General Abdourahmane Tchiani, the head of the military junta in the Republic of Niger, stated over the weekend that the coup that toppled President Mohammad Bazoum was well-intentioned and that it was carried out to avert an impending threat that would have damaged both the Niger Republic and Nigeria.

The Economic Community of West African States, ECOWAS, Heads of State and Government leaders did not hear the coup leaders’ side of the story before giving them an ultimatum to resign, according to General Tchiani.

Sheikh Bala Lau, the head of the Islamic Ulamma, said in a statement that the coup leaders and the Nigerian delegation agreed to intensify the option of dialogue in order to resolve the political issue when he met with them at the weekend in Niamey.

The Nigerian team was made up of famous Islamic scholars in the nation.

The team received a cordial welcome from General Tchiani, who welcomed their intervention.

The military chief reportedly declared that all options for settling the conflict through dialogue and peace were on the table.

He expressed regret for not giving the delegation sent by President Tinubu and led by former Head of State General Abdulsalami Abubakar (retd) the proper attention because they were upset about the ECOWAS ultimatum.

He stated that because of their shared history, the Niger Republic and Nigeria are not only neighbours but also siblings who should settle disputes peacefully.

According to the statement, the Islamic Ulammas discussed all the concerns, including the demand by ECOWAS leaders that former President Bazoum be reinstalled, during a lengthy meeting with General Tchiani in Niamey, the capital of Niger.

President Bola Tinubu approved the clerics’ request to intercede, according to Bala Lau, National Chairman of Jamatul Izalatu Bida Waikamatu Sunnah, who said the clerics were in Niger on his behalf.

Sheikh Lau claimed that the team had already communicated their opinion that the political deadlock in Niger should be resolved through discussion to President Tinubu, who also serves as the chairman of the authority of the ECOWAS Heads of State and Government.

He informed General Tchiani that the purpose of his trip to Niger was to participate in productive discussion in order to persuade him and the other military figures who were involved in the coup to choose the route of peace rather than violence in order to end the problem.

In contrast to reports in some media outlets, the team was well received by General Tchiani, and both parties had fruitful discussions after the meeting, according to Sheikh Ahmad Abdulrahman, Chief Missioner of the Ansarudeen Society of Nigeria and another member of the intervention team.