Politics Now

Founded in the understanding that politics as the vehicle for enthroning leadership in Nigeria


VIDEO: Nigerian man dazzles audience with precise names of all 109 senators

Not many Nigerians may be able to provide the names of all three senators from their states representing them in the National Assembly. But an unnamed Nigerian can mention all the 109 senators in the National Assembly.


In a viral video on X, the man is seen reeling out names from the top of his head without any script of all the 109 senators representing the Federal Republic of Nigeria.


In some instances, the man gives background information on some of the senators, especially if they are principal officers or former governors.


In the video, his audience would throw names of state at him to mention their senate representatives. He didn’t miss any as he accurately provided the names of the three senators of each state, and in some cases, their senatorial districts and who they took over from, that is, in the case of first-term senators.