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Tucker Carlson and Joe Biden

Prominent Democrats pushing for Biden’s replacement over suspicion of brain damage, says American journalist Tucker Carlson



Prominent American journalist and right-wing media icon, Tucker Carlson, has alleged that prominent Democrats are pushing for the replacement of President Joe Biden after the spectacularly poor showing at the CNN debate last Thursday.


But the White House has dismissed any speculation about Biden’s replacement over the poor debate night.


The U.S. president has gotten the backing of two prominent Democrats – former President Barrack Obama and ex-Speaker Nancy Pelosi who claimed Biden is fit to run for office in November.


But Tucker Carlson who has historically been critical of Biden, said the game is up for the president. He claimed that prominent Democrats have already decided on removing Biden as the Republican nominee in November. He said the only question is with whom.


Hear him: “Biden is done. Bet on it. Too many prominent Democrats have suggested he’s brain damaged. They can’t walk that back. They have to remove him, and they will. The only question is when. If they’re smart, they’ll do it immediately. If Kamala’s going to be the nominee, she might as well be the president first. That leaves the question of Trump, and his sentencing on July 11. Biden’s collapse makes this a much more perilous moment than it was. At this point Trump is not just the Republican candidate, but effectively the presumptive president. If you’re going to put him in jail, it had better be for a very serious crime that everyone agrees he committed. Otherwise you risk destroying the system completely and forever. We’re in legitimate danger. Democrats need to pull back.”