The Lagos police have summoned Chioma Jasmine Okafor, the adopted daughter of popular Nollywood comic actor, Mr Ibu, in response to allegations that she withdrew N300 million from the actor’s donation account. Doris Ogala, an actress, made the claim in a recent Instagram post, asserting that Mr. Ibu’s wife, Stella Maris, orchestrated the arrest of Jasmine and the actor’s sons.
Ogala stated that Stella accused Jasmine of withdrawing N300 million from Mr. Ibu’s donation account, alleging that the money was diverted to prevent the purchase of a new house, as requested by Stella. Jasmine and Mr. Ibu’s sons were reportedly detained at Alagbon police station. Ogala questioned the authenticity of the allegations, pointing out that the total funds contributed for Mr. Ibu’s treatment did not amount to N300 million.
According to Ogala, Stella insisted on receiving a new house from the contributed funds, claiming her current residence was leaking. She noted that the family had transferred N2.5 million to Stella’s account for upkeep. Ogala also raised questions about Mr. Ibu making his second son a signatory to his bank account instead of his wife.
Confirming the situation, Aminat Mayegun, the police spokesperson at the Lagos FCID annexe, acknowledged that the individuals involved are currently at Alagbon. She disclosed that the police are working on charging them in court, but the family is seeking a settlement. The matter is still under investigation.
Mr. Ibu, who has been publicly battling an undisclosed illness, has received support from Nigerians, including financial contributions for surgeries and treatment. Despite undergoing seven surgeries, the actor had to undergo the amputation of his leg. Stella Maris recently claimed that Jasmine had taken control of the funds intended for Mr. Ibu’s surgery.
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