Politics Now

Founded in the understanding that politics as the vehicle for enthroning leadership in Nigeria


OPINION: “WIgwe” a tribute to an exemplary leader

Although I write this in utter grief and with a profound sense of loss, I aim to celebrate an icon of leadership – Dr Herbert Onyewumbu Wigwe.

Dr Herbert was a luminary!

A man of genius, passion, wisdom, fearless ambition, and purpose.

My heart spills with an immense appreciation for the opportunity to work and walk with him as his mentee, absorb his knowledge, and experience the comfort of his unfailing support.

Dr Herbert embodied the qualities of a friend, mentor, trusted ally, and leader who saw potential where others saw scepticism.

Where others saw a failing Africa, he saw hope and opportunity and was willing to point his torch to building a better Africa rooted in patriotism, enterprise, and determination.

He never held anything back!

As a person, I can’t tell my story without Dr. Herbert dotting many chapters. His stamp rests squarely on who I am today.

I remember he would push me to dream bigger, think deeper, work harder, and never settle for anything less than the best.

Through his inspiring leadership at Access Bank and Access Corporation, Dr Herbert fostered a workplace that served as a nerve centre for daring ideas, humour, unbounded productivity, and the conviction that nothing was impossible.

If there was one man who led a bold transformation in Nigeria’s, and by extension, Africa’s banking industry, putting Nigeria on the global map of financial players, Dr. Herbert Wigwe was that man.

How he did it with Access Bank and Access Corporation is a story that would continue to be told and remembered in the annals of Nigeria’s history.

Dr. Herbert Wigwe truly lived!

His influence and impact transcended borders, leading him to champion transformative innovation in sustainable leadership to disruptive education in Africa.

He, likewise, made a huge difference in the lives of many people, both young and old, with his charitable work. He alleviated social problems, helped vulnerable children, and raised awareness of HIV/AIDS, going above and beyond to give a voice to the voiceless.

Beyond his astounding accomplishments in his career, he was a deeply kind and selfless person.

He constantly extended his resources to others just to put smiles on their faces.

Giving was his lifestyle.

It was the essence of who he was and what drove him to support whatever causes he felt strongly about.

Dr Herbert was also a husband and father who loved his family dearly.

Their love served as his pillar of support, his source of happiness, and a continuous reminder that family and ambition are interwoven threads that make up a beautiful life.

Indeed, he established one of Africa’s leading banks as well as what would become Africa’s leading universities, but what is much more significant is that he gave communities a sense of empowerment and meaning; and all who knew him, caught the courage to dare towards a higher goal.

His example of leading with purpose, exhibiting empathy for others, and embodying a boundless enthusiasm for life serves as a beacon for us to follow.

Dr Herbert, even in your absence, your spirit remains alive, influencing and shaping our lives and those of our children.

I will always be indebted to you for your impact on my life and career, continuously motivating me to uphold your standards of devotion, excellence, diligence, and enthusiasm.

I am profoundly grateful for everything.

I will miss you…Rest well, Herbie!

Rest well, boss!

Written by Felix Ejinwa