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NIger Junta

NIger Junta

Niger Military junta appoints 21 ministers to run country


General Abdourahamane Tchiani, the head of the military junta in Niger, has announced the formation of a 21-person cabinet.

The cabinet was formed on the eve of an emergency summit of ECOWAS leaders in Abuja, Nigeria.

The ECOWAS leaders’ meeting on Thursday in Abuja will discuss the situation in Niger after a seven-day deadline for the junta to reestablish constitutional power in the nation passed.

On Wednesday night, Tchiani read out a statement on live television to introduce the new administration.

The junta appointed Ali Mahaman Lamine Zeine as the next Prime Minister on Monday, according to a previous report by PoliticNow. He will serve as the Economy and Finance Minister simultaneously.

Aissatou Abdoulaye Tondi, Elizabeth Cherif, and Aissa Lawan Wandarama are the three women that make up the new administration, which was announced on Wednesday night. It is led by Prime Minister Ali Zeine.

See full list of Niger Junta government cabinet members below:

1. Prime Minister, Minister of Economy and Finance: Mr. Lamine Zeine Ali Mahamane.

2. Minister of State, Minister of National Defence: Lieutenant General Salifou Mody.

3. Minister of State, Minister of the Interior, Public Security and Territorial Administration: Brigadier General Mohamed Toumba.

4. Minister of Youth and Sports: Colonel Major Abdourahamane Amadou.

5. Minister of Foreign Affairs, Cooperation and Nigeriens Abroad: Mr. Bakary Yaou Sangaré.

6. Minister of Public Health, Population and Social Affairs: Doctor Colonel Major Garba Hakimi.

7. Minister Director of Cabinet of the President of the National Council for the Safeguarding of the Fatherland (CNSP): Doctor Soumana Boubacar.

8. Minister of Agriculture and Livestock: Mr. Mahaman Elhadj Ousmane.

9. Minister of Higher Education, Research and Technological Innovation: Professor Mahamadou Saidou.

10. Minister of National Education, Literacy, Vocational Education and Promotion of National Languages: Mrs. Elizabeth Cherif.

11. Minister of Transport and Equipment: Colonel Salissou Mahaman Salissou.

12. Minister of Hydraulics, Sanitation and the Environment: Colonel Maizama Abdoulaye.

13. Minister of Justice and Human Rights, Keeper of the Seals: Mr. Alio Daouda.

14. Minister of Public Service, Labor and Employment Mrs. Aissatou Abdoulaye Tondi.

15. Minister of Town Planning and Housing: Mr. Salissou Sahirou Adamou.

16. Minister of Humanitarian Action and Disaster Management: Mrs. Aissa Lawan Wandarama.

17. Minister of Petroleum, Mines and Energy: Mr. Mahaman Moustapha Barké.

18. Minister of Handicrafts and Tourism: Mrs. Guichen Agaichata Atta.

19. Minister of Communication, Posts and Digital Economy: Mr. Sidi Mohamed Raliou.

20. Minister of Commerce and Industry: Mr. Seydou Asman.

21. Minister Delegate to the Prime Minister in charge of Finance: Mr. Moumouni Boubacar Saidou.