Politics Now

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Yakubu Chonoko Maikyau-1

Yakubu Chonoko Maikyau-1

NBA President, Yakubu Maikyau, receives knocks from colleagues for running one man show

Some executive officers of the Nigerian Bar Association (NBA) have accused their President, Yakubu Chonoko Maikyau, of running a one man show.

At the Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the NBA which took place in the Federal Capital Territory (FCT) on Thursday, the executive officers took turns to detail how Maikyau sidelined them in the affairs of the association.

NBA National Treasurer, Caroline Anze-Bishop, disowned the presented financial statement, saying it was prepared without her input.

Anze-Bishop refused to adopt the financial report, saying she respects the Bar too much to sign off on unknown accounts.

She said even as the Association’s president, she is sidelined in financial dealings of the body, hence, would not sign off on the strange report.

In his report to lawyers, 2nd Vice President Chukwuemeka Clement Ugo lamented being sidelined too by Maikyau despite his constitutional duties as acting president when the president was unavailable.

Ugo pleaded for empowerment of his office at the AGM, regarded as the NBA’s highest decision-making body.

Likewise, 3rd Vice President Mandy Asagba accused Maikyau of disregarding her office and enacting deliberate measures to render her position redundant. Asagba claimed the entire AGM and Annual General Conference planning excluded national officers.