Politics Now

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MURIC Director, Ishaq Akintola

MURIC asks Senate to clarify reasons it refused to confirm El-Rufai for ministerial appointment

Muslim Rights Concern (MURIC) has demanded clarity from the Nigerian Senate following its failure to clear Mallam Nasir El-Rufai for ministerial appointment.

Professor Ishaq Akintola, MURIC’s executive director, made the request for clarification in a statement that was made public on Wednesday.

You may remember that the Senate refused, citing a security report as justification for not confirming El-Rufai.

However, the report’s specifics have not been made public, leading to further speculation and dispute in the Nigerian political sphere.

Specifically, MURIC urged that the Senate explain the ‘precise security lapse’ mentioned in the report, which resulted in El-Rufai’s clearance being denied.

The statement partly read, “We aver that democracy thrives in a transparent environment and anything shrouded in secrecy contradicts the principles of transparency, probity, and accountability.

“It amounts to disenfranchisement for Senate members who were elected by the Nigerian electorate to deprive the same people who elected them of knowledge of such vital information as what is contained in the security report.”

He said the detailed specifics about El-Rufai’s security concerns have not been released, generating uncertainty about his political future.

He emphasised that the Senate’s silence on the problem is straining its conscience.

Akintola ended his statement with a direct request: “We therefore ask the Nigerian Senate to, without delay, reveal the exact security breach contained in the security report over which the former governor of Kaduna State’s clearance was denied.”