Politics Now

Founded in the understanding that politics as the vehicle for enthroning leadership in Nigeria


Moi Moi

Moi Moi, learning the simple steps to make this highly nutritional meal 


Moi Moi is a very popular food in Nigeria. It could be paired with Akamu (pap), custard or even jollof rice and served as a breakfast or lunch.


7 Cooked Eggs optional

1/2 cup vegetable oil

3 seasoning cubes

Salt to taste.

1 cup sliced onions

10 Shombo pepper adds the reddish color

1 cup crayfish

3 cups of beans


*Parboiled the fish, removed center bones and break into smaller bits. Set the stock aside.

*Remove seeds from the shombo (pepper) and wash/peel the beans

*Combine crayfish, shombo, onions, and blend into a smooth paste.

*Transfer into a large bowl then add oil, fish, 2 seasoning cubes, fish stock, and stir all together.

*Taste for salt.

*Distribute in plates or moi moi wrappers and cook for 35 minutes

*This is how – drop the plates in the pot, three or four per row.

*Add water simultaneously making sure it doesn’t top the first plate.

*Cover tightly and cook for 35 minutes.

*After 35 minutes, bring out one of the plates to see if it is well cooked.

Note: When it is well cooked, it takes some 1-3 hours to cool and solidify like the moi moi you buy from restaurants.