Politics Now

Founded in the understanding that politics as the vehicle for enthroning leadership in Nigeria

Omokri praising Obi surfaces

Omokri praising Obi surfaces

‘Fear this man’: Nigerians react as old video of Omokri praising Obi surfaces

Nigerians continued to drag the former presidential aide Reno Omokri, following the resurface of an old video where the former presidential aide was seen showering praises on Peter Obi, the Presidential candidate of Labour party at the 2023 presidential election

In the now-viral video, Omokri, who had been harshly critical of Peter Obi in the build up to the 2023 presidential election when the latter left the PDP, is seen praising the former governor of the Anambra state.

“You know I just want to tell you i’m with my friend here Peter Obi, we are in DC and we came in for the national prayer breakfast but you see i listened to this man i listened to governor Peter Obi and you know ex-governor Peter Obi the plans the ideas you know this man raised the bar of leadership in Nigeria. Since he left office can you believe this man does not take anything, not even like a penny from the Anambra state government and while he was there, you know he was a man that built up Anambra state you know Anambra state used to be almost educationally disadvantaged and then in less than two years he brought them to be number one he left Anambra state with a reserve. Look you know we need people like this I’m so proud of governor Obi. I listened to him today, and you know i was touched. like do we still have fellows like this in Nigeria ?,” Omokri in the now viral resurfaced video said.

However, in a tweet in response to the video, popular Twitter influencer man of letter stated that he was afraid of Mr Omokri.

“I fear this man more than most. How can one walk back from this without fear?,” Man of letters wrote.

Lawrence Okoro said he frequently watches the clip again to be reminded of how dangerous people can be.

“When I want to remind myself that humans are dangerous, I watch this video,” Mr Okoro wrote.

On his part @MaziBrightChim1 urged Nigerians not to resort to characters like Reno Omokri.


“Characters like Reno O’mockery, FFK etc avoid them like plagues and trust them at your own peril…I can understand jobbering for political favors and all but these are some really dangerous and facetious characters,” he wrote.

Reacting to the clip @ijele96 wrote “You should also watch this video when you want to remind yourself that politics ain’t a game of Emotions.”

Ademola Awosanya on his part suggested that “Politicians will say anything and do anything just to remain relevant politically. You shouldn’t be surprised though. This kind of thing is part of politics and it remains like that. It’s politicians you will see fighting dirty in public domain and reconcile behind the closed door”

After the former governor of Anambra defected to the opposition Labour Party to run for president, Mr. Obi’s relationship with Omokri deteriorated. Since then, Omokri has criticised Mr. Obi repeatedly, calling him an IPOB apologist, at every available opportunity.