Politics Now

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Femi Fani-Kayode

Fani-Kayode advises Tinubu on how to avoid coup in Nigeria

Former aviation minister Femi Fani Kayode has advised President Bola Tinubu on measures to avoid a coup in Nigeria.

In an article made available on his official Twitter page on Sunday, Mr Fani-Kayode who warned that the invasion of Niger would not save Nigeria from the wave of coups that have continued to spread across nations in the subregion, explained that the government can only avert any form of coup by winning the hearts of Nigerians.

“We must, no matter the cost, fight for and defend our democracy and preserve our freedom and way of life.

“We cannot do this by relying on foreign and regional armies to come and save us and neither can we achieve it by marching into Niger in a gung ho attempt to restore democracy.

“We can only do so by winning the hearts and souls of our people by providing good governance, justice and accountability for them,” an article by Mr Fani-Kayode read.

“Once you do this and any military adventurer tries to do a coup, the people themselves will come out in the streets in their millions to denounce and resist it,” he added.

According to Mr Fani-Kayode, the country will not need external forces to intervene if it works to win the heart of its people.

His comment comes amid plans by the President Bola Tinubu-led Economic Community for West African States to invade Niger if the military junta fails to return the country to democratic rule.

Mr Fani-Kayode further reiterated that invading Niger Republic was not the solution to the ongoing crisis in the region.