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Reno Omokri

Reno Omokri

EU Election Report: Tinubu missed the point, Reno Omokri says

By Emmy Joe

Reno Omokri, a former aide to erstwhile President Goodluck Jonathan, has faulted the response of President Bola Tinubu’s administration to the recent report released by the EU Election Observer Mission.

Recall that Bayo Onanuga had discredited the EU’s report that largely faulted INEC’s conduct at the 2023 general election. The presidential spokesperson said the EU Mission’s report was largely based on rumors and hearsay.

However, in reaction to Mr Onanuga’s statement, Mr Omokri said that the presidency should have accepted the criticism.

“The EU Election Observer Mission’s report was not so damning. President Bola Tinubu missed a big opportunity. He should have done what President Yar’adua did and accepted that the elections which brought him to power were not perfect (even in America, elections are not perfect) and promised to improve future elections by giving the INEC more independence,” he said.

The former presidential spokesperson said Mr Tinubu “would have been the bigger man,” had he accepted the criticism.

“But this knee-jerk reaction made him look small. And what did the EU-EOM say that was so bad? They did not cast doubt on his victory. They merely pointed out lapses on the part of INEC, especially their recruitment process and the integrity of their technology. The INEC itself has not even criticised what the EU-EOM said, most likely because it is true,” he added.


Read Also : Presidency Rejects EU reports