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Analysing The Digital Transformation Age

Analysing The Digital Transformation Age

Digital Transformation Age. (the gift of Covid).

Digital Transformation is a loose term relative to an institution or individual. Digital
Transformation is a process of integrating Digital Technologies into all areas of
business. It is aimed to alter the process of services provided, and how business
system operates. This Digital process is essential these days to business.

Covid was prevalent at a time when not many people were physically involved
socially. As a specie that is highly social and well integrated into institutes like the
supermarket, restaurants and other basic utilities, people patronise and interact to
make an option in daily living. Quarantine was an issue in men’s way of life.

Fortunately for most people, one solution was available to the majority of people,
which was the Internet. This is basically a virtual network of integrated resources
and tools for sharing information, providing solutions and sourcing for information.
Tools like Google Meet, Zoom, Twitter, and other social platforms became party
hangouts, meeting places, and public places as long as one had a connected
device and an invite.

Companies like Zoom, experienced significant growth during the COVID-19
pandemic, as working remotely and virtual communication, became more prevalent.
According to Zoom’s financial statements, the company’s revenue for the fiscal year
2020 (which ended on January 31, 2021), was $2.65 billion, an increase of 326%
compared to the previous fiscal year.

In the first quarter of the fiscal year 2020 (which ended on April 30, 2021), Zoom’s
revenue was $328 million, which was more than double the revenue for the same
period the previous year. Overall, Zoom’s stock price also increased dramatically
during the pandemic. At the start of 2020, Zoom’s stock was trading around $70 per
share. By the end of the year, it had reached over $500 per share.

It’s worth noting that while Zoom is one of the most well-known video conferencing
platforms, other companies in the industry also saw significant growth during the
pandemic, such as Microsoft Teams, Google Meet, and Cisco Webex. So many
other digital tools became essential during the period ,and this gave rise to what we
now know as the Digital Transformation of business.

Businesses that incorporate digitised interfacers, give consumers more options to
patronise their services. Record shows that From March 2020 through February
2022, U.S. consumers spent $1.7 trillion online, $609 billion more than the two
preceding years combined (2018 and 2019).

People wonder why Tech jobs are so rewarding. The Crumbs falling off the
Digitised business is so large that some Medical graduates have opted out of their
profession and joined the trade of helping companies manage their digital space.
Digitisation has birthed a lot of employment industries that the creators of
computers, would have never envisioned. It is a fact that it’s still pushing
boundaries, even to a point of the advocates of Digital culture supporters.

Digital Transformation has led to the creation of many new job roles across a range
of industries. Here are some examples of jobs that have emerged due to the Digital
Transformation era. They include

  • Data Scientist – Data scientists use analytics and machine learning algorithms to
    analyse large volumes of data and extract insights that help organisations make
    better decisions.

  • Cybersecurity Analyst – As more business processes become digitised, the risk of
    cyber threats and attacks increases. Cybersecurity analysts are responsible for
    identifying and mitigating these risks.

  • Cloud Engineer – Cloud computing has become increasingly important for
    organisations as they seek to store and access their data and applications from
    anywhere. Cloud engineers design, build and maintain cloud-based infrastructure.

  • Digital Marketer – With the rise of e-commerce and social media, Digital marketing
    has become essential for businesses to reach their target audience. Digital
    marketers create and execute online marketing campaigns to promote products or

  • User Experience (UX) Designer – As more products and services move online, UX
    designers play a critical role in ensuring that digital experiences are user-friendly,
    intuitive, and enjoyable.
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) Engineer – AI is becoming increasingly important in
    fields such as healthcare, finance, and retail sectors. AI engineers design and build
    intelligent systems that can automate tasks, analyse data and make predictions.
  • Internet of Things (IoT) Architect – The IoT refers to the network of physical
    devices, vehicles, and other items that are embedded with sensors, software and
    connectivity. IoT architects design and implement systems that allow these devices
    to communicate and exchange data.

These are just a few examples of the many job roles that have emerged due to
Digital Transformation. As technology continues to evolve, people expect to see
even more new jobs later on.

Published on 11-040-23