Hollywood actor, Arnold Schwarzenegger, was detained at a German airport after he failed to declare a £22,000 Audemars Piguet watch. Customs officials had found the watch during a luggage search and detained Schwarzenegger for three hours for not declaring it on his arrival form. The actor was planning on auctioning the watch in aid of his climate crisis charity in Kitzbuhel, Austria where he is originally from.
Thomas Meister, spokesman for the Munich main customs office, said goods within the EU must be declared through customs for everyone, regardless of their name. He confirmed that criminal tax proceedings were launched against Schwarzenegger. The 76-year-old was released after paying €35,000, including €4,000 in tax and a €5,000 penalty. Daniel Ketchell, the actor’s spokesperson, said Schwarzenegger cooperated during the search and filled out the necessary declaration form.
He added that the charity event remains on track and lawyers are handling the situation. “During the search, he answered every single question the customs officer asked, so to say he didn’t declare anything is 100 percent false,” he said. The former governor of California was among ‘Time’ magazine’s 100 most influential people in the world in 2004 and 2007.
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