Politics Now

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presidential-tribunal INEC

‘Anything can happen when you’re uploading:’ INEC’s witness explains contradiction of results on IREV




By Ibrahim Ishaku


A witness for the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC), Dr Lawrence Bayode, has explained why some of the figures in the results on IReV were inconsistent with their supposed hardcopy replica and why blurred results were uploaded on the site.


The witness, a pastor of the Redeemed Christian Church of God, while responding to a barrage of questions by Peter Obi and Labour Party (LP) lawyer, Patrick Ikwueto, said the blurred results on IReV was because Anything can happen when you’re uploading.


Bayode, an information technology practitioner, was the only witness called by INEC before closing its case.


An extract of the cross-examination of Bayode is reproduced here


Ikwueto: You are a senior pastor in your church


Witness: Yes


Ikwueto: It shows the risk level


Witness: It is resolved


Ikwueto: But it shows it was high risk


Witness: It was resolved


Ikwueto: So the e-transmission was not vulnerable


Witness: Yes, it was resolved


Ikwueto: Your test was done on a pre-production server


Witness: No it was on the UAT server


Ikwueto: Open page 23 of the report


Witness: Which report


Ikwueto: The report you can see


Witness: Hold on


Ikwueto: Pastor, you are taking all the time in the World


Witness: I’m referred to as Doctor


Ikwueto: I’m also a man of God


Witness: I can’t find it


Ikwueto: So you cannot see the page


Witness: No I can’t


Ikwueto: You still cannot see it


Witness: Oh, I can see it now


Ikwueto: On this paragraph 7.3.3 on pre-production


Witness: It was not this one


Ikwueto: This is a server testing


Witness: It was not this one


Ikwueto: You tested the server right


Witness: Yes but



Ikwueto: Your app on e-transmission was tested before it was used


Witness: Yes


Ikwueto: The testing was done between 3rd and 6th Feb 2023


Witness: No


Ikwueto laughing: So when was it?


Witness: It was 4th Feb


Ikwueto: The report was received on 22nd Feb 2023 by INEC


Witness: Yes


Ikwueto: This is the report and you produced it on subpoena


Witness: Yes


Ikwueto: Okay no problem, my lord, I want to tender the document in evidence


Justice Tsammani: Okay


Ikwueto: Does this document show the findings


Witness: It says findings


Ikwueto: So it shows findings resolved


Witness: Yes


Ikwueto: I put it to you Doctor that an AWS cloud trail log would have these features: event time, event source, event name, AWS Region, source IP address do you agree


Witness: It is listed


Ikwueto: Do you agree


Witness: It is listed


Justice Tsammani: Is that a yes


Witness: Yes



Ikwueto: The snapped copy of EC8A on IREV and the hard copy EC8A can never be different


Witness: Anything can happen when you’re uploading


Ikwueto: So it would change


Witness: It won’t change


Ikwueto: Show him this PCA23 exhibit. Pastor next week I will be in your church on Sunday



INEC: That is unfair, you’re intimidating him



Ikwueto: Is it bad that I want to come to church


Ikwueto: Look at the document please. What are the scores


Witness: I can’t see it, it’s blurred


Ikwueto: So what are the scores


Witness: I can’t see it, but it looks different


Ikwueto: You are aware that INEC materials are archived


Witness: Which one


Ikwueto: Your materials, press statement and all


Witness: Not all


Ikwueto: Oh not all. Okay