Politics Now

Founded in the understanding that politics as the vehicle for enthroning leadership in Nigeria



African Union suspends Niger Republic as Tinubu meets Touray, Abdulsalami, Ribadu

President Bola Tinubu is currently attending a meeting with the President of the ECOWAS Commission, Omar Touray; leader of the ECOWAS delegation to Niger Republic’s military junta, General Abdulsalami Abubakar and the National Security Adviser (NSA) to the President, Mallam Nuhu Ribadu, in what appears to be a last minute effort to broker a truce with the Niger Junta.

The meeting is coming same day the African Union announced the suspension of the Niger Republic.

This disclosure was made known via a statement issued on Tuesday.

The statement by the AU reiterated calls for the coup leaders to restore democracy in Niger and return to their barracks.

The AU called on member states of the union and the international community to abstain from portraying actions that could legitimize the junta’s activities in Niger.

The statement also warned against interference from any actor or country outside the African continent.

“We immediately suspend the participation of Niger from all activities of the AU and its organs and institutions until the effective restoration of constitutional order in the country.”

“The council strongly rejected any external interference by any actor or any country outside the continent in the peace and security affairs in Africa.”

“It also rejects engagements by private military companies in the continent in line with the 1977 OAU Convention for the Elimination of Mercenarism in Africa”

Furthermore, the council restated its previous appeals for the release of the duly elected President of Niger, Mohamed Bazoum, who is currently in custody following the coup.